Photography and traveling

Posts tagged “Cluj Napoca


The perfect place in Cluj to make a photo session in Autumn and winter is on the hill of the Fortress, near the Belvedere Hotel. It offers you a great view of the city and the lanes are very nice, especially when the leafs of the treas are getting colored.


The fortress was built between 1715 and 1735, during the Hapsburg occupation. The walls are shaped as a star, and it had a tour a redoubt and bastions that surrounding the fortress. It served to protect and control the city and it had administrative buildings, serving as a prison during the 1848 revolution. No it is the perfect meeting point for couples and not only, and it’s perfect for night photography. If you wanna see more, check the Facebook page.

You can see from the hill the cathedrals, the central park and other landmarks.

Cross-ul Companiilor

Mda….am cam tras chiulul cu 2 saptamani, nu am profitat de culorile extraordinare ale toamnei si nici nu am up-datat blogul cu cele cateva fotografii pe care le-am facut intre timp.

 Citeste mai mult!!!CrossulCompaniilor

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